Our nominee services are designed to provide a solution for clients who for business reasons require to keep the ownership of their Hong Kong company confidential.
Our nominee shareholder service arranges for the shares in our clients Hong Kong company to be registered in trust in the name of our nominee shareholder company hence the name of our client is not visible as the owner of the shares in the public records at the Companies Registry.
In order for our client to retain control of the shares in their Hong Kong company a declaration of trust is executed between the nominee shareholder and our client stating the shares are held in trust by the nominee shareholder for the benefit of the client.
Our nominee director service provides for an individual to be appointed as a nominee director of the company. The name of the nominee director will appear in the public records at the Companies Registry as the director of the company.
The nominee director will operate the company by acting upon instructions from our client and in accordance with the terms of a Nominee Directors Agreement entered into between the nominee director and our client. As the nominee director is legally responsible for the activities of the company the nominee director can only accept appointment on the basis he will be the sole signatory of the company’s bank account which he will operate in accordance with instructions given by our client.
It should be noted the use of nominee services must be disclosed to all banks when opening bank accounts in Hong Kong and our client must attend the account opening meeting at the bank together with the nominee director.
| For more information, please contact us